Only 5 days to go: demo, demo, demo and a good TCO

Informed Group notebook

Deze klanten gingen je al voor

This is day 5 of the countdown. Interesting is that this countdown runs until Tuesday and looking at the agenda, Monday is a full day of sessions already. Normally it was the Partner Day on Monday, where we get the news just a bit earlier than the rest of you. Could not find, if this still the case??

Today not much happened that is worth blogging. We are finishing our demo machines for the booth. As I always dare to show the real thing, we are going to demo everything live. We will have 3 Documentum environments running: xCP2, LSQM and another xCP2 environment with a totally different interface design. Beside this we will dare to show you a full cloud based solution using SharePoint Online (Office 365) and Documentum on Azure with the perfect integration using SPA4D via a normal, very busy, conference wifi. Last but not least we will show you the ease of connecting your business applications to a Documentum xCP or WebTop solution with LoBConnect. Standard we have and Exact Online (accountancy), but if you dare to give me access to an other business application I’ll show you the integration possibilities in minutes.

Beside that we are running our On Premise SPA4D environment on a SharePoint 2013 platform. It is so cool to see how this ‘perfect’ interface (yes, I’m not very objective in this case, but please drop by and see for yourself) is able to functionally extend any Documentum solution like D2 with LSQM or xCP2 with multiple different applications. With the SPA4D solution you can specifically target groups in your organization and offer them the ease of SharePoint with the strength of Documentum.

In a current business case we are doing for a client, we see that, besides the easy to use and full functional solution, the pricing of this interface is so competitive, that this solution, as your read only interface, gives you a perfect ROI.

With this client we are defining the different roles that need to have access to the information stored in Documentum and what type of actions they should be able to perform. Once we know this, we are able to group those roles into different user-types that demand: focus on collaboration, focus on a rich set of document management functions, readers, approvers, etc.

With these sets of user-types it is very easy to define the best suited interface and define the total TCO for that solution. Our current estimate will be that with SPA4D their TCO will be less than 50% than with any other interface. So if the functionality is as good as I say it is this will be a no-brainer.

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