Informed Group now an official partner of JINC


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The collaboration between Informed Group and JINC was officially established in a partnership this week. In this way we continue our cooperation in projects that ensure that young people from socio-economically disadvantaged neighborhoods are helped on their way to a good start on the labor market.

JINC is a national non-profit organization that, from a varied range of programs, introduces young people between 8 and 16 years old to all kinds of professions so that they discover which work suits their talents and learn to apply from there.

Digital skills

In addition to financial support, Informed Group makes a continuous contribution to the school program: Digital Skills. The Digital Skills project introduces children to the digital world. Digital skills come in handy in almost every profession. The project helps to make children enthusiastic about the promising ICT sector at a young age.

“In 4 lessons, children of group 5/6 are introduced to the basics of programming. They learn to approach a problem analytically and to solve it step by step, like a computer. In the first 3 lessons, students work on 21st century skills without a computer. During the last lesson they will work with laptops with the basics of programming in the online program Scratch. We are therefore delighted that Informed Group employees are present during the first and last class. To inspire and guide children from real practice ”, says JINC project employee Milou van Kats.

Social responsibility

“This partnership ties in well with our CSR policy. In this way we contribute to talent development and equal opportunities within education. Moreover, we all think it is a great experience to pass on our passion for working in ICT to our future colleagues, ”says General Manager Jeroen Jansen. In addition to Utrecht, we are also open to making a contribution to this school program to primary schools in Amsterdam.

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